So it's the beggining of April, and that means....APRIL FOOLS!
I just looooove April fools!
This year I uploaded a video to my channel saying, well, just watch it ans see what I said :)
I especially filmed myself with my phone, didn't edit or nothing so that it'll look more authentic.
A lot of you noticed that it's a joke, but a whole lot more of you guys wrote to me such great comments and emails that really warmed my heart.
Cause even if it was done as a joke, everything I said there was true. I really am not happy with how things are going, and the mean comments really get to me sometimes.
My channel and works occupy most of my brain capacity everyday and youtubing has become an enormous part of my life and I would like to receive responses that match my efforts.
That's why I keep my mail connected to my account so I can see every new comment [even if I don't always comment back] and every time I'm notified I have a new subscriber it really makes my day.
So thank you my little Maniacs for all of your support and love!
Keep on sharing and liking and commenting!
On to the next one :)
On April first was also a huge holiday for us Jews that came from Morocco, called Mimuna.
It's a holiday that marks the end of Passover and it has many traditions.
Basically we have guests at our homes and we make a ton of sweets so we can all have a sweet year, and we make a dish named Mufleta, which is made out of fried dough. It must be the yummiest thing ever on exist on planet earth.
I haven't been to a Mimuna in so long, so I decided to make one in my own flat and invite some friends, and it was the first time I made Mufleta by myself!

That's all folks!
What did you do on April Fools?
Let me know in the comments bellow :)
See ya next time
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